Alumni of the Year 2022

Meet the Alumni of the Year 2022, 为体现母校精神的服务和成就而感到荣幸.



Wendy Fernandez '87 and '93

虽然她现在的移民律师生涯经历了许多曲折, 温迪·埃尔南德斯说,每一步都是她旅程中必要的一部分. “In hindsight, 我现在明白了,那不是绕路的时候,而是确定方向的时候,” she explains.

Among those experiences were 16 years working for WWU, 在此期间,她完成了社会工作学士学位,而她和她的丈夫, Sergio, added two children to their family. While working part-time as a nurse in the Student Health Center, 温迪与住宿院长和学生管理部门合作,创建了学生援助中心,以帮助而不是惩罚有药物滥用问题的学生. “The work was deeply rewarding,” she says.

After completing her master of social work degree at WWU in 1993, Wendy served as director of the university’s Counseling Center. Then, in 2000, she went to law school at Gonzaga University.

These experiences, plus her childhood on an island reservation in Alaska, have shaped Wendy’s desire to practice immigration law. “我的工作方式受到一个核心信念的指导,那就是上帝希望所有人都得到平等对待,” she says. “Every day I draw upon the wisdom of those wise religion, English, sociology, social work, 还有心理学教授,他们让我能够和来自世界各地的人一起工作.”

与此同时,温迪的孩子们已经长大成人,上了世界女子大学,结婚了,有了自己的孩子. 现在,她和塞尔吉奥期待着与他们的WWU遗产有新的体验. “Walla

沃拉大学多年来一直是澳门真人官网赌场生活的中心,”温迪说. “澳门真人官网赌场期待着成为澳门真人官网赌场孙子们在世界大学经历的一部分.”

Aman Grant '97

Academics didn’t come easily to Aman J. 格兰特来到沃拉沃拉大学攻读神学专业. “教室是一个痛苦的地方,因为我努力记住讲座中的信息. I was slow to learn compared to my peers,” he remembers. “我抗拒成为一名牧师的召唤,因为我不知道我将如何完成学业.”

阿曼把他在体育运动中学到的坚韧精神运用到学习中, and soon the writing lab was a second home. 他回忆起学校里院长、教授和精神领袖的支持. 他尤其记得温迪·埃尔南德斯为他做心理咨询的时间.

“一个名叫约瑟夫的梦想家的故事激励我优先考虑我的精神和情感健康,” Aman says. “我正在实现我的梦想,因为我在澳门真人赌场官网追逐它们.”

这些梦想最终使阿曼完成了他的神学硕士学位,并加入了美国.S. Navy, 在那里他担任圣地亚哥的海军牧师和西南海军地区指挥官的精神恢复顾问.

Aman continues to use the lessons of healing, tenacity, 以及他在WWU开始的领导能力,他的工作是帮助海军面对其成员的挑战. 他还致力于在一个精神和情感健康的家庭中抚养他年幼的儿子Jo Jo.

To today’s students, 阿曼的指导很明确:“现在就开始理解并顺服圣灵的位格和能力. 一旦你有了那块,你就可以开始追逐上帝对你生命的梦想了.”

Melissa Sydney '12

玻利维亚一个孤儿女孩的梦想在她的孙女身上实现了, Mellissa (Leaf ) Sydney, when Mellissa enrolled at Walla Walla University. “作为家里第一个获得学士学位的人,我面临着独特的挑战,” Mellissa explains. “At times, it felt like I had to make big decisions and face challenges alone, without a family member who knew how it all worked to give advice.”

Mellissa, who went by Frances during her college years, dove into those challenges and made the most of her time at WWU. “世界大学是一个允许公开表达不同观点的地方, 这反过来又导致了全面的讨论,并从彼此的生活经历中学习,” she says. That climate, combined with opportunities to volunteer and serve others, prepared Mellissa for her career in medicine.

从WWU毕业并在传统大学获得硕士学位后, 梅丽莎进入太平洋西北健康科学大学医学院学习,然后在底特律的住院医师项目中成为总住院医师, Michigan.

With her residency recently complete, Mellissa and her husband, Ron, are returning to the Northwest, where Mellissa will be serving as an emergency room doctor. 她的目标包括建立更深层次的联系,向周围的人展示上帝的爱,同时继续与服务不足的社区合作,并指导代表性不足的少数民族学生.

Mellissa’s goal is as clear today as when she came to WWU. “For me, 成功是一种心态,在一次次失败中坚持不懈,同时拥有不断进化的智慧, be present, 在通往你最珍视的目标的过程中找到快乐,” she says.

David Vixie '77 and '83

Walla Walla roots run deep for David. 他的父母都是世界大学校友,七年级时他就知道自己的未来是教书. “I was an official 13-year-old idealist, and I wondered how this would be different if I were the teacher,” he remembers. “我想象的不是当时常见的教室,而是学习环境, 我踏入我的职业生涯时,相信有可能把它们变成现实.”

这一信念使大卫来到世界大学攻读基础教育学位,同时辅修宗教课程, physical education, and biology, 当他搬到自己的教室时,他认为这些东西很有价值. “正是在这里,我第一次有了一位导师,他有意识地让我去思考和珍惜这些想法,” he says.

从WWU毕业后,大卫和他的妻子凯伦搬到了俄勒冈州罗斯堡的复临教会学校. Together they created a classroom community, dubbed “Vixie Village,这是大卫为西海岸各地的学生带来的许多创造性学习环境中的第一个. 大卫回到世界自然大学攻读课程开发硕士学位,扩大了这些技能.

Today, you’ll likely find David and his students outside, 他们可能会坐在有篷马车上学习历史,或者坐在19世纪帆船的甲板上出海. Designing and constructing a fence makes trigonometry tangible, and history comes alive while standing in an immigration line.

Though David has received countless awards during his career, 他的重点仍然是他能做些什么来服务学生,帮助他们茁壮成长. “我的力量来自上帝,”他说,“力量是为了服务,而不是为了地位.”